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Eclipse and Dawn - Tomasz Mońko

Eclipse and Dawn - Tomasz Mońko

Eclipse and Dawn

Rotterdam, The Hague, Scheveningen; 2014

- improvised pieces; reflections on the nature of transgression and redemption

  1. The Dance of Joy (Exsultation and Gratitude of the Creation)
  2. The Temptation (Eclipse of the Spirit)
  3. The Sin (Compulsion, Severity, Addiction, Consequence and Calamity)
  4. The Prayer of Repentance (The Gift of Insight, Comprehension and Supplication)
  5. The Rebirth ("Apart from me you can do nothing" - John 15:5)
  6. The Rise of the King ("I am the light of the world" - John 8:12. Awakening, Persistence, Opening, Progression and Victory)
  7. The Dance of Triumph ("Benedicamus Domino"; People of God)
  8. The Eternal Tranquility (In the Embrace of the Holy Mother)

Cor Iesu - Tomasz Mońko

Cor Iesu - Tomasz Mońko

Cor Iesu, miserere - Litania

Skierniewice; 2009

- Tomasz Mońko - organ, "Cantores Cordis Iesu" choir directed by Eugeniusz Włoczyk

- Works and improvisations on the themes referring to the subject of the Sacred Heart

  1. Introdukcja - T.M. - improvisation
  2. Litania I 
  3. Twemu Sercu cześć składamy - T.M. - improvisation
  4. Cor Iesu - G. Deak - Bardos (1905-1991)
  5. Cor Iesu melle dulcius - D. Bortnianskij
  6. Pobłogosław, Jezu drogi - T.M. - improvisation
  7. Litania II
  8. Discite a Me - M. Haller (1840-1915)
  9. Cor Iesu Sacratissimum
  10. Serce Zbawiciela - ks. W. Piątkiewicz / ks. J. Łoś
  11. Kochajmy Pana - T.M. - improvisation
  12. Serce Jezusa z nami - anonim
  13. Litania III
  14. Cor Iesu, salus in Te sperantium - W. Schultes (1815-1879)
  15. Cor Iesu - R. R. Terry (1865-1938)
  16. Jezu, miłości Twej - T.M. - improvisation
  17. O, Cor Dulcissimum - J. Plag (1863-1921)
  18. Najświętsze Serce Jezusa mego
  19. Litania IV
  20. Jezu, zmiłuj się - ks. J. Surzyński (1851-1919)
  21. Z tej biednej ziemi - T.M. - improvisation
  22. Cor Iesu - M. Sawa (1937-2005)
  23. Nie opuszczaj nas - ks. Walczyński
  24. Litania V
  25. Najświętsze Serce Boże, poświęcamy Ci - T.M. - improvisation

MP3 samples:

Improvisation on Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr
Improvisation on Veni redemptor gentium
Improvisation on O Mensch, bewein' dein Sünde gross - TRIO
Improvisation on O Mensch, bewein' dein Sünde gross - MEDITATION
Improvisation on O Mensch, bewein' dein Sünde gross - TOCCATA
Improvisation on O Mensch, bewein' dein Sünde gross - ESQUISSE
Improvisation on Salve Regina
Improvisation on "Boże, coś Polskę"
J. S. Bach - excerpt from Prelude in Es BWV552

Tomasz Mońko - organist | concerts | organ music | pipe organ electronics and automatics | pipe organ | church organ | MIDI organ automatics | organbuilding | organ reparation | pipe organ parts | pipe organ devices | setter memories | MIDI systems | complex pipe organ systems | pipe organ modernisation | pipe organ tuning | pipe organ voicing

Programming (MCMS v1.3) & design: Tomasz Mońko; Visits: 421483 [B].
Copying allowed with written permission of the author. ©Tomasz Mońko 2014.