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Videos >

Marcel Dupré - Magnificat (Finale)
st. Andrew Bobola church, Gdynia - Poland, 2021
Organ concert
Providence church, Wrocław - Poland, July 17th 2022
"Vurige wind" - improvisation
Elandstraatkerk, The Hague - Holland, 2014

Petr Eben - Nedělni Hudba - Finale (IV)
st. Teresa church, Łódź - Poland, February 23th, 2005

Improvisation (duet), piano: Anton Doornhein
Elandstraatkerk, The Hague - Holland, 2012
Improvisations on "Alle Menschen müßen sterben"
st. Matthew church, Łódź - Poland, 2008

Tomasz Mońko - organist | concerts | organ music | pipe organ electronics and automatics | pipe organ | church organ | MIDI organ automatics | organbuilding | organ reparation | pipe organ parts | pipe organ devices | setter memories | MIDI systems | complex pipe organ systems | pipe organ modernisation | pipe organ tuning | pipe organ voicing

Programming (MCMS v1.3) & design: Tomasz Mońko; Visits: 421483 [B].
Copying allowed with written permission of the author. ©Tomasz Mońko 2014.